Create a fancy neon text effect using adobe photoshop. Learn how to create a text effect in under 10 minutes. Outcomes looks sweet!
Step 1
Create new document 1280px x 700px 72dpi. Background color:#000
Step 2
Now we will add a brick wall to our image. Google search for a brick wall images, there are many to choose from. Once you have brick wall image go to Image>>Adjustment>>Brightness/Contrast and adjust
image color until it is kinda dark.
Step 3
Select the brush tool then select the blur edge paint brush and create a circle leaving the inside empty.
You should now have a black hole with a small blur around the hole like in the example below.
Step 4
Now We will add a silhouette to our background. Google search silhouette and choose any silhouette. When you have the right silhouette drag image into photoshop.
Note: If image has white background select the Magic Eraser Tool(Press B to select Magic Eraser Tool ).
Step 5
Next we will create our elegant text effect. Select the type tool Font Type: Amienne, size:225px, Color:#ff2fcc( Font can be downloaded from here).
Type any word you desire. I will use Webdevtuts.
Step 6
Now we will make our text glossy and worth looking at. Right click on text layer>>Blending options>>Drop Shadow. Copy settings below
Copy Outter Glow Settings. Color:#ff029e
Copy Bevel and Emboss Settings
Copy Gradient overlay settings Glow Settings
Double click on the gradient color bar, Left Color: #ff2fcc, Right Color: #ff74dd,
Copy stroke Settings
You should now have a glossy text effect. To give it that feel I’ve added the word now open. You can accomplish that by duplicating
the first test layer and changing the font color and size. Well that’s about it I hope you all succeeded with this tutorial.
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