Start working by creating a new file (File>New) of 1920×1200px/72 dpi. Open the next page: Grungy Paper textures and download out of it the paper textures. Insert one of the textures as a background for our poster to be.
Now we’ll make some color correction. Click on the bottom part of the layers’ panel on the Create new fill or adjustment layer>Curves
… and then on the Create new fill or adjustment layer>Hue/Saturation
Find a stock photo with the old radio on it. I have used this photo: Vintage Radio from SXC. I would like to thank the author: Craig Jewell.
Cut it out, inserting it on the new layer:
Make a copy of the radio’s layer. Click on the layers’ panel on Lock Transparent pixel and select a brush of black color to paint the copy’s layer.
Switch off the Lock Transparent pixel on the layers’ panel and select for the layer Filter>Blur>Gaussian blur
Create a new layer under copy of the radio’s layer and choose the Paint Bucket Tool (G) to fill this new layer with white color.
Put together both layers (the copy of the radio’s layer and the layer filled with white color). Hold CTRL button, select the layers and finally press CTRL+E to Merge Down. On the rasterized layer we’ll apply Filter>Pixelate>Color Halftone
Place this layer under the layer with vintage radio. Set for this layer Blend Mode to Multiply:
Next we’ll download a set of ready to use brushes for Adobe Photoshop named: extremelyABSTRACT_by_env1ro, Floral_by_solenero73, bloodbrushes2_invaynestock. Create a new layer and choose for it the set’s brushes, named: extremelyABSTRACT_by_env1ro
Make some brushstrokes and place this layer lower than the radio’s layer:
Set for this layer Blend Mode to Pin Light:
On the next new layer we’ll apply the brushes of white color, named bloodbrushes2_invaynestock
Make some brushstrokes and place this layer above the previous layer, but under the layer containing the vintage radio.
Set for this layer Blend Mode to Linear Light. Next select the Layer Style. Make a double click on the left mouse’s button on this layer on the layers’ panel and set the Bevel and Emboss as shown:
Add Bevel and Emboss>Texture (Patterns)
Settings for Bevel and Emboss>Texture
Set options for Gradient Overlay
Gradient Editor parameters:
We’ll represent a small circle of the color #7B5D2A for the next new element with Ellipse Tool (U).
Using the Rectangular Marquee Tool (M), we need to select the zone along the line’s width and press DELETE button. This way we’ll cut the circle on small lines.
Cutting the circle, we may turn it over with Free Transform option and place it the same way as in the next picture. Place this layer under the layer containing the radio.
Make a copy of the last made layer and choose Free Transform option to make the copy smaller, placing it the same way as below. The layer will be situated under the radio’s layer too.
On the next new layer we’ll choose the brushes of white color out of the set Floral_by_solenero73. The brushes must be applied with different Opacity parameter from time to time.
Next select the Layer Style. Make a double click on the left mouse’s button on this layer on the layers’ panel and set the Drop Shadow as shown:
Create a new layer which must be filled with Paint Bucket Tool (G), giving it the color #959595
Select for this layer Filter>Noise>Add Noise
Set for this layer Blend Mode to Soft Light.
Create a new layer again applying here the Gradient Tool (G) to dark out the top part of the picture.
Select for this layer the next option: Filter>Distort>Wave
Using Free Transform option, turn over the made black lines, stretch them out by their length and place them the way from below:
Click on this layer on the bottom part of the layers’ panel on Add a Mask option and apply a brush of black color (Opacity 15%) to clean out the lines on the radio.
Set Fill to 0% for this layer and select the Layer Style. Make a double click on the left mouse’s button on this layer on the layers’ panel and set the Gradient Overlay as shown:
Gradient Editor parameters:
Create a new layer and select for it a brush of yellow color (Opacity 20%) to represent several spots on the indicated places:
Set for this layer Blend Mode to Saturation.
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